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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Independence Day and Marriage Equality

The founding document of the United States of America, written principally by Thomas Jefferson but edited and signed by all of the members of the Second Continental Congress, is The Declaration of Independence. It was signed on July 4, 1776 and it sets

4.11 In honor of Independence Day, I thought it would be fun to look into what Thomas Jefferson grew in his own vegetable garden at Monticello. Happily, the official Monticello website has a great essay by the director of the Monticello Gardens and

But if you wanted to have a pen pal and write back and forth over many months or years, you could have no better than Thomas Jefferson (lucky for John Adams, who wrote letters back and forth with Thomas Jefferson for

Happy July 4th: When we get piled up in other cities, such as Europe, will become as corrupt as Europe. Thomas Jefferson. Democracy will cease to exist when you want to work and to those who are. not. Thomas Jefferson

Every generation has its own debts as it goes. The principle is that if half of the war to save the world.

View the original article here

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