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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nearly 20 Years After The Original, 'Jurassic Park 4? Is Coming

Steven Spielberg has announced that he will make a new Jurassic Park movie, as he attended his first Comic-Con convention in San Diego Thursday.

Speaking at the San Diego Comic-Con, Steven Spielberg has revealed that Jurassic Park 4 has a writer, and is in development

Producer-director Steven Spielberg, arguably one of the filmdom's visionaries with the Midas touch, is ready to proceed with a “Jursassic Park 4,” with a release date over the next two years.

The wait is a mere flicker of an instant in time compared to how long it took the dinosaurs to come back to earth, but then, when you've got a beloved franchise like "Jurassic Park," fans tend to get antsy.

However, the word around Comic Con is clear: Spielberg announced that Jurassic Park 4 is definitely in the works, likely to hit in 2013 or 2014 and will be in 3D. Any more details? No. Just that table scrap,

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