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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

'Breaking Bad' season premiere review: Fear the box cutter

"Cougar Town" co-creator Bill Lawrence and "Lost" co-creator Damon Lindelof are among those weighing in on the AMC drama series opener.

"Get back to work." So spake Gus, giving the order to Bryan Cranston's Walter White and Aaron Paul's Jesse, in the season premiere of Breaking Bad.

It's author has not yet seen the season four premiere of Breaking Bad and he's worried that continued exposure to the internet will lead to spoilers. He's a big, bearded pansy like that. We begin tonight with a first look at Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

Breaking Bad represents everything that is good and right about television. Anyone who dismisses the medium as a junkyard filled with reality schlock and mindless drivel jammed in between ads for cars and movies clearly hasn't taken the time to absorb

So spake Gus, giving the order to Bryan Cranston's Walter White and Aaron Paul's Jesse, in the season premiere of Breaking Bad. Getting back to work — resigning oneself to a life of both rigorous tedium and unnerving danger — is as good a way as any

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